Each cup of MAXIM coffee is bringing a child closer to their graduation. Every sold kilo of MAXIM coffee means one Dollar donated to the aid agency Semillas. Those donations give Colombian children from disadvantaged families the possibility to lead a life without drugs and violence. A well-founded education for those children is the basis of a better future.
The education fund MAXIM is supported by the child aid foundation Funda ción Pies Descalzos, founded by Colombian singer Shakira in 1997. This NGO is helping Colombian children living in poverty and those threatened by violence. Funda ción Pies Descalzos’ approach is educating those children. Furthermore they are given regular meals in those charity supported schools – another incentive for their parents to push their childrens’ education.
The educational fund MAXIM has been established in accordance with the association for sustainable development „SEMILLAS“ (Seeds and the foundation „PIES DESCALZOS“ (Barefoot Foundation set up in 1997 by singer SHAKIRA. This non-governmental organization has been carrying out programs for the benefit of the less-privileged Colombian children and those among them who are in general exposed to violence, forced displacement, inequality and social injustice.
The inter-institutional partnership between the association for sustainable development SEMILLAS and the foundation Maxim is mainly based upon the confidence provided by the experience of SEMILLAS during its 22 years of existence, regarding the overall development of Columbian boys, girls and youths, making significant changes for a better life for them and their families. It has been the same confidence and recognition which helped the association SEMILLAS to enjoy the institutional support of the foundation „PIES DESCALZOS“ . This foundation guarantees that the general project contributes to the educational processes of the Columbian children and adolescents which is an important alternative for reducing poverty. In this way these three serious institutions ensure that their act of solidarity serve the purposes for which they have been established. The contribution YOU make while enjoying your stay in Café Maxim and savoring your meal is intended to support educational initiatives for Columbian children and young people. These measures encourage their self-esteem, human values, cultural identity, (organizational assignment?) and the development of knowledge and technical skills for the broad-reachingaccomplishments, which in turn, enable them and their families to create opportunities so that they may have more dignified and fair lives. You can make your contribution while benefiting from the offers based on socially inclusive economy.